10 Surprising Benefits Of Rving: Why It’s The Best Way To Travel

If you’re not a rver, there’s a good chance you’ve never even considered the idea. After all, there are so many things that make RVing sound like more of a hassle than an adventure: 

hauling tons of heavy equipment across state lines, spending hours at a time driving without seeing anything but asphalt and trees on either side of the road…the list goes on. 

But when you think about it, this is all part of what makes RVing so great! Here are 10 surprising benefits of Rving that might just convince you to throw caution (and your reservations) to the wind and see what it’s really like:

RV Travel – 3 Reasons to Do an RV Tour w/ Wander Filled Life
Key Takeaways
RV travel offers a variety of benefits, including convenience, flexibility, cost savings, and opportunities for adventure and connecting with nature.
Making your RV travel more environmentally-friendly is a simple way to reduce your carbon footprint and minimize your impact on the planet.
RV travel can be a great way to spend quality time with family and friends, and to create lasting memories.
Choosing the right RV and planning ahead can make your trip more enjoyable and stress-free.
Regular maintenance is key to keeping your RV in good condition and ensuring that it’s safe and reliable on the road.

1. A Home On The Road

RVing is like having your own home on the road. You can stop anywhere you like, take in the local sights, and enjoy nature’s beauty as much as you want.

You’re also free to cook your own food and relax by yourself or with friends in an RV. There’s room for everyone to have their own space, which means you won’t have to deal with awkward situations when traveling with other people (like sharing a hotel room). 

If someone wants some alone time? They can go up front. If someone else wants company? They can stay down below. It’s a win-win situation!

To make your travels more environmentally-friendly, “Small steps such as bringing a refillable water bottle or choosing to travel by train instead of plane can make a big impact. Check out our guide on 15 Simple Ways to Make Your Travel More Eco-Friendly for more tips on sustainable travel.

2. No More Holiday Stress

They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder, and this certainly rings true when it comes to holiday travel. 

When you’re on the road with your campervan, there is no stress about how you will get from A to B you can simply decide where you want to go and just drive there! 

You may even find yourself stopping off in a place that wasn’t even on your original itinerary: we once found ourselves in one of our favourite towns because we felt like having lunch there one day. 

With no set schedule or agenda, life becomes much less stressful and more enjoyable; we found ourselves enjoying each other’s company all the more because we weren’t constantly rushing around trying to do everything at once!

Benefits of Holidaying in an RVTips for Reducing Holiday Stress
Travel at your own paceMake a holiday plan and schedule
Avoid busy airports and long security linesStick to a budget
No need to pack and unpack at every destinationTake breaks and practice self-care
Create a home-like environment on the roadLearn to say “no” to extra obligations
Spend quality time with loved onesCommunicate openly and respectfully with family and friends
Disconnect from technology and distractionsSimplify your holiday traditions
Enjoy the freedom and flexibility of the open roadDon’t sweat the small stuff
Save money on accommodation and dining outEmbrace imperfection and be flexible
Explore off-the-beaten-path destinationsFocus on the present and savor the moment

3. Cost Effective Adventure

Rving is one of the most cost effective ways to travel. Though you have to pay for gas, food and other necessities when you’re on the road, it’s still much cheaper than staying in hotels and eating out every night.

  • If you want to save money while rving, cook your own food! You can buy groceries at any supermarket and cook up a storm in your RV kitchen or outside under the stars!
  • If you don’t want to spend hundreds or thousands renting a car while traveling through Europe, consider rving instead! You’ll save money by not having to pay for a rental vehicle or tour guide.

“Traveling sustainably is not only good for the planet, but it can also lead to more authentic and meaningful experiences. Our Ultimate Guide to Sustainable Travel offers valuable insights and tips on how to reduce your carbon footprint while still enjoying your travels.”

4. You Can Go Anywhere, Anytime

You can go anywhere, anytime. You can wake up on the beach in the morning and ski in the afternoon. You can spend your day at a new location every day, or you can explore places you have never been before. 

There is no set time limit for staying at any one place, so even if there are things that are not as great about rving as it seems on paper (such as having to drive out of your way to get groceries), there are also plenty of benefits that make rving worth it!

5. You Can Bring Everything You Need With You

You can bring everything you need with you. No more packing and unpacking. No more waiting for a trip to end so you can go home. 

The RV allows you to travel with your belongings, so there’s no need for hotels or other accommodations when visiting new places. 

You can bring all of your clothes, toiletries, and other personal items in the RV and this means that it may not be necessary for you to leave at all!

If there is somewhere else in the world that sounds amazing, just pull up stakes and head there without having to worry about finding someplace safe and comfortable first (like an RV park).

You’ll never have trouble again if someone asks what kind of vehicle they should use as a work truck or hunting rig or fishing boat because they know exactly what kind of vehicle would work best for them based off their specific needs since everyone will be able to find something great within their budget range that suits their lifestyle requirements perfectly!

RV camping is a great way to explore the outdoors, but it can also be expensive. To save money on your next RV trip, check out our guide on How to Save Money on RV Camping: Tips Pros Use for budget-friendly camping tips and tricks

6. More Experiences Than Sightseeing

There are a lot of ways to spend your time while on vacation, but traveling is so much more than just seeing the sights. 

You can experience new cultures and new ways of life, meet new people and make new friends, learn new skills and gain new knowledge. What else?

Benefits of Experiential TravelExamples of Experiential Travel Activities
Creates lasting memoriesParticipating in a traditional cultural ceremony
Deepens cultural understandingLearning to cook a local dish
Promotes personal growth and self-discoveryVolunteering at a local community project
Provides opportunities for adventure and explorationHiking to a remote waterfall
Supports sustainable tourism practicesVisiting a local social enterprise
Encourages meaningful connections with localsStaying with a local host family
Offers unique and authentic experiencesAttending a music festival or concert
Enhances creativity and inspires new perspectivesTaking a local art class or workshop
Fosters a sense of empathy and compassionParticipating in a social justice tour

7. Learning New Skills And Making New Connections

RVing is an opportunity to learn new skills and make new connections. You may be lucky enough to find an experienced RV owner who’s willing to share their expertise with you, or take advantage of free classes offered by your local park or campground, but if you want to do it all on your own, that’s okay too!

While many people get started RVing by renting one first (another benefit we’ll cover later), there are plenty of ways for beginners to learn how everything works without having to spend thousands at once. 

The internet is full of videos explaining how everything from water systems work on RVs, how appliances need electricity in order for them run correctly, what kinds of foods stay fresh longer when traveling in off-grid situations…the list goes on!

8. Memories To Last A Lifetime

The best souvenir you can bring home from your rving trip is memories. You don’t need to spend a lot of money at the gift shop, or even take any pictures: the most valuable souvenirs are in your head and heart.

When you’re out there on the road, make sure to take plenty of time to enjoy nature, people watch and soak up all that new culture has to offer. Take breaks often – part of exploring a new place is taking it easy when you need more rest than usual! 

This is also a great time for mindfulness exercises; think about breathing deeply and listening quietly as you go through your day-to-day activities. This will help connect with yourself as well as those around you.

Traveling with kids can be a challenge, but it can also be a fun and rewarding experience. Our guide on RVing with Kids: Fun Activities and Games to Keep Them Busy offers creative ideas to keep your kids entertained and engaged during your RV adventures.

9. Living In The Moment

The idea of living in the moment is a pretty abstract one, and it can be hard to make time for it when you have other things to do. 

But living in the moment is one of the most powerful benefits of RVing because it allows you to live your life more fully by appreciating what’s happening right now instead of worrying about what happened yesterday or planning for tomorrow.

In order to live in the moment, all you need is awareness the ability to recognize what’s going on around you without being distracted by thoughts about other things. This may sound simple and it is! 

But being aware takes practice; otherwise, you’ll find yourself drifting back into your old habits without realizing how much time has passed since your last moment was captured on film or how far behind schedule you are with this particular project at work. 

That’s why we recommend keeping a journal handy so that once per week (or whenever feels right) write down three things from each day that made them special: perhaps something funny happened during lunch break today? 

Or maybe someone gave us advice before leaving home this morning? In addition writing down these positive experiences will help reinforce good habits such as focusing less on negative thoughts and feeling happy more often throughout every day!

Benefits of Living in the MomentTips for Living in the Moment
Reduces stress and anxietyFocus on the present
Increases happiness and well-beingPractice mindfulness
Improves relationships and connections with othersEngage in activities that bring you joy
Enhances creativity and productivityLimit distractions
Provides a sense of purpose and meaningCultivate gratitude
Boosts mental and physical healthLearn to let go of past regrets and worries about the future
Allows for greater appreciation of life’s simple pleasuresTake time to savor experiences and enjoy the little things
Improves decision-making and problem-solving abilitiesListen actively to others
Helps overcome fears and phobiasEmbrace new experiences and challenges

10. Seeing The World In A Whole New Light

You see the world in a whole new light when you travel. It’s an opportunity to experience new cultures, learn about other people and yourself, and discover what makes each culture unique. 

When I was in college, I took a trip to Mexico City with my best friend and it was such an incredible experience. We ate tacos on the street, wandered through museums and galleries by day (and late into the night), took party buses around town at night.

Our trip taught us so much about ourselves and each other it also opened our eyes to what traveling can be like! 

We’re still friends today because of that amazing trip; if you’ve been dreaming about going on your own adventure abroad but haven’t made plans yet…think about taking this year off to do it!

Creating a green and sustainable home doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. Our guide on 10 Simple Tips for Creating a Green and Sustainable Home offers practical advice on how to make your home more eco-friendly, from using natural cleaning products to choosing energy-efficient appliances.


So, if you’re still unsure about road-tripping, I hope that this article has given you some food for thought. 

It may not be for everyone, but if you take the plunge, I can promise that it will change your life. After all, who doesn’t want to feel the wind in their hair as they drive across America?

Further Reading

If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of RV travel, check out the following articles:

5 Benefits of Traveling in an RV: This article highlights the convenience and flexibility of RV travel, as well as the cost savings and opportunity to connect with nature.

Top 5 Benefits of RV Travel: In addition to the benefits of convenience and cost savings, this article also discusses the quality family time and opportunities for personal growth that RV travel can provide.

8 Reasons Why RV Vacations are the Best: This article emphasizes the freedom and independence of RV travel, as well as the opportunities for adventure and making memories with loved ones.


What are the benefits of RV travel?

RV travel offers a variety of benefits, including convenience, flexibility, cost savings, and opportunities for adventure and connecting with nature. It can also provide quality family time and opportunities for personal growth.

How do I choose the right RV for me?

When choosing an RV, consider factors such as the size of your family, your budget, your travel preferences, and the type of camping you plan to do. Research different types of RVs, such as motorhomes, travel trailers, and pop-up campers, to determine which one best fits your needs.

What should I pack for an RV trip?

When packing for an RV trip, consider your destination, the length of your trip, and the activities you plan to do. Essentials include bedding, towels, toiletries, cooking supplies, and food. You should also pack appropriate clothing for the climate and any outdoor activities you plan to do.

How do I plan an RV trip?

When planning an RV trip, consider factors such as your budget, travel preferences, and destination. Research campgrounds and RV parks in the area, and plan your route accordingly. Make sure to book your campsites in advance, especially during peak travel season.

How do I maintain my RV?

Regular maintenance is key to keeping your RV in good condition. This includes tasks such as checking the tires, inspecting the brakes, and ensuring that all systems (such as electrical and plumbing) are functioning properly. It’s also important to keep your RV clean and well-maintained both inside and out.